You don’t have to wait for the ball to drop to start anew. In fact, in Vedic tradition, the “new year” is considered spring time, when things start to open up and blossom again. If you’re extra optimistic, you may even view each and every day as a new beginning â a new chance at life; a new day to start again.
This post will act as a yin yoga class template to echo the sentiment of new beginnings. The yin yoga postures chosen will embody the feeling of starting anew. Feel free to practice it at home, share it with your students, or keep it safe to revisit at a time you feel you need it most.
Child’s Pose
Child’s pose is always a great way to begin any class as it acts as a pose that can be returned to at any point throughout class.
How to:
- Widen your knees mats-width distance apart
- Set your arms out in front of you
- Sit back on your heels (pad the area under your seat if you feel there’s too much space)
- Let your forehead come down to the mat
- Breathe all along your spine
Half Butterfly Pose (Both Sides)
Half Butterfly will prepare you for full Butterfly Pose and it’s a great way to gain symmetry on both sides of the body.
How to:
- Send your right leg out long
- Bend your left knee and tuck your left foot in towards your seat
- Fold forward (you can place blocks or a bolster beneath you for extra support)
- Repeat on the other side
Butterfly Pose
Butterfly Pose represents the birth and opening up of new energy. This rejuvenating yet restorative pose is perfect to usher in new energy.
How to:
- Sit upright with your legs spread wide
- Bring the soles of your feet together
- Fold forward (you can use a bolster or blocks to come down onto if folding forward feels strenuous)
Legs Up The Wall
This is the ultimate relaxation yin yoga pose, inviting you to unwind, drop in, and let your mind quiet. In this posture, you can call to mind any intentions that feel indicative of a fresh start.
How to:
- Set up a blanket folded the long way in half twice with the fringes facing the wall
- Sit with your butt on the blanket, against the wall sideways
- Swing your legs up the wall with the blanket supporting your seat underneath you
- Let your eyes close and cactus your arms out to the side or support them on blankets as well