As a yoga teacher, part of gaining a following and announcing new classes is done through social media marketing. While it can seem completely overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be! As a marketing professional and yoga teacher, I learned a lot about this craft, and want to share the top five core marketing principles that’ll help you build a successful yoga business in a manageable way.
Be Authentic
Along your yoga journey, you learn how to connect your mind and body together in a way that breeds your true self. This development of your natural self is the key to expanding your social media impact as well. By showing others your true self and how you got there, you’ll naturally draw in an audience, and not just any audience- your true audience. Members of your true audience are going to want to learn from you, because they’re genuinely interested in your story and the wisdom you share.
Start Small
Trust me, there are a ton of ways to market your yoga business. However, it’s important to realize that many of these ways won’t work for you. To avoid overwhelm and get yourself out there authentically, start small. Do a couple of activities that you’re comfortable with (ex. Create an Instagram profile, announce your yoga business on your Facebook, talk to fellow yogis about your journey as a teacher, etc.). Then, once you’ve seen growth and are ready to take on more, look into expanding your marketing efforts.
Note: If you’re not comfortable with any form of marketing yet (don’t worry- we’ve all been there!), do some research on the marketing strategy you feel will best showcase who you are. For yoga teachers, I recommend starting out with Instagram, because of the photo, video, and caption nature of the platform.
Stay Consistent
Just like in your yoga practice, consistency is key! This doesn’t mean you have to post every day and document your whole life through stories on top of managing your class schedule (even writing that left me a little overwhelmed!). Pick a schedule that works for you, even if it’s on the lighter side, and expand when you’re fully comfortable and ready. Trust me, receiving a little bit of content consistently goes much further than receiving sporadic pockets of content because you’re burning yourself out of content creation.
Batch Create Your Content
If you get burnt out of creating content every day, you’re gonna love this one! By batch creating your content, you can knock out your content creation in a shorter time than it takes putting in the work to post everyday. The best part? Once the content is created, you hardly have to think of content creation again until your next batching session!
Have Fun
In being authentic, you should start to learn what you love- both for yourself and to share. Marketing should be fun, because it’s all about sharing something you’re passionate about with likeminded people.
I wish you the best in your marketing journey!