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500 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

Our 200 hour and 300 hour online yoga courses combined

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YogaRenew is a Registered Yoga School (RYS®) with Yoga Alliance.

Students who complete our 500 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training online course will be able to register with Yoga Alliance as a RYT500.

Elevate your yoga practice and teachings to the fullest extent

Woman in compass pose

A 500 hour online yoga teacher training is a great way to combine everything you’ve learned along your yoga teacher journey. Once you complete your 500 hours, you’ll have all the information you need to be an advanced level teacher.

By this level of teaching, you’ll have:

  • Mastered most of the poses and developed advanced-level yoga classes
  • Determined what style of yoga you most like to teach
  • Have read and digested almost all recommended readings spanning from traditional ancient texts to modern day adaptations of the practice
  • Fully engulfed yourself in the practice of yoga itself; your life is now a statement of commitment to the practice

Since our certifications are accredited, any trainings you complete with us will allow you to register as a Registered Yoga School through the Yoga Alliance® network.

500 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum:

  • Yoga History & Philosophy: Understand the history of yoga including key ancient yoga texts; The Vedas, The Upanishads, and The Bhagavad Gita. Learn about yoga’s journey west and its history through a study of the ancient texts that originated the practice. Learn about the master Yogi gurus who helped spread it across western culture in the 19th and 20th century.
  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Learn the 8 limbs of yoga including the Niyamas and Yamas and how they relate to yoga ethics today.
  • Yoga Anatomy: Explore anatomy and physiology as well as their practical applications in yoga practice including the spine, muscles and nerves, skeletal and connective tissue, foot, knee, hips, breath and bandhas, shoulders and arms, and the psoas.
  • Understanding Different Styles Of Yoga: Explore the history and foundations of 8 different yoga styles including Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Hot Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and Yin Yoga.
  • 6 Principles of Yoga Alignment: Learn foundations for the feet, hands, spine, knees, shoulders, and core in yoga poses
  • Learn 5 Categories of Asanas: Learn sequencing and alignment foundations for standing asanas, forward bends, twists, backbends, and inversions.
  • 5 Bandhas of Yoga: Explore the 5 Bandhas of Yoga and how they relate to alignment foundations in yoga.
  • Yoga Asanas: Understanding principles of yoga alignment, advanced study of over 75 yoga poses; including adjustments/modifications for each, things to look out for with students, and how to with videos displaying how to get in and out of each pose.
  • Teaching Cues: Learn how to say different concise and clear teaching cues for over 50 different poses.
  • Injuries & Modifications: Learn injury considerations for each pose and how to offer different modifications for your students.
  • Sanskrit: Understanding basic Sanskrit terms, Sanskrit pose names, and pronunciation for each asana.
  • Yoga Sequencing: Learn how to prepare for your own classes; including creating inspiring class plans, structuring your yoga class safely, and sequencing foundations.
  • Inspiring Class Themes: Discover how to create inspiring class themes and how to weave them into your class sequences.
  • Hands On Adjustments: Understand the relationship between teacher and student in adjustments and explore how to safely offer yoga adjustments and their relationship to body mechanics.
  • Meditation: Explore how to teach different meditation techniques, meditation’s history in yoga, the anatomy, and the benefits of meditation.
  • Pranayama: Learn ancient pranayama techniques. Explore how to guide others in different breathing exercises including; 3 Part Breath, Alternate Nostril Breathing, and Ujjayi Breath.
  • Chakra Yoga Therapy: Understand how Chakras work, their energetic associations, how they relate to yoga practice, and how to heal chakras through yoga practice.
  • Class Experience: Explore how to develop your yoga teacher voice for your classes, class room set up, and how and when to demo poses.
  • Explore Creative Imagery In Teaching Cues: Learn to create inspiring class sequences by using empowering yoga verbs and teaching cues.
  • Classroom Props: Learn different types of yoga props and how to use them to modify poses for your students.
  • Discovering Your Unique Teaching Style: Learn how to develop your own mission statement and discover your own unique teaching style.
  • Developing Confidence As A Teacher: Learn ways that you can overcome the fear of teaching
  • Learn Qualities Of A Great Yoga Teacher: Learn 11 key qualities of a great yoga teacher and continue to grow in your yoga teacher journey.
  • Yoga Business & Marketing: Learn all the foundations for business and marketing for your yoga business, including finding teaching opportunities, outreach, social media, branding, and marketing.
  • Find Teaching Opportunities: Learn how to market yourself and find teaching opportunities including, your ideal target market, private clients, corporate yoga, workshops, gyms, and studios.
  • Advanced Study Of The Ancient Texts: Go in depth in the revered and inspiring ancient Bhagavad Gita book. Discover this book’s ancient wisdom and how its teachings relate to modern day life.
  • Understanding Different Styles: Understand stylistic and structural differences between different genres of yoga such as Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Hot, and Kundalini.
  • Working with Injuries: Explore in depth how to modify and prevent injuries across different areas of the body such as the hips, knees, back, shoulders, wrists and neck.
  • Tension & Compression: Learn to identify tension or compression in students to help provide safer guidance to experienced students working through different asanas.
  • Subtle Energies: Learn about the subtle energies in yoga including the 5 Prana Vayus, Yoga Nadis, Koshas, Mudras, and Kriyas.
  • Ayurveda: Understand the principals of this ancient sister science of yoga and the 3 Doshas. Explore Ayurveda healing techniques including diet, meditation, lifestyle, and exercise.
  • Mudras: Discover the ancient art of mudras and how they relate to yoga practice. Learn 8 common yoga mudras used in yoga classes today.
  • Advanced Teaching Techniques: Learn advanced teaching techniques to help master your classroom. Learn how to teach to beginner, intermediate, and advanced level students. Discover different learning styles and how to cater your classes to each.
  • Yoga Ethics: An important look into how ethics factor into your success as a yoga teacher and how to incorporate the principals of yoga and 8 Limbs of Yoga into your class room.
  • Advanced Philosophy: Explore the ancient philosophical principals of the Yoga Sutras. Learn how to apply these principles to your own life and how to teach them to students.
  • Seva & Being In Service: Discover the importance of Seva and how to be in service through your teachings. As apart of the program, all of our graduates get the opportunity to be in service through a Seva teaching assignment in their own communities.
  • Teaching Inspiring & Creative Classes: Learn how to develop and teach inspiring and creative classes to uplift your students.
  • Advanced Alignment & Sequencing: Understand advanced alignment and sequencing as well as the language that’s used to communicate this important part of the asanas.
  • Personal Development: Understand how personal development can help you succeed as a yoga teacher. Learn about goal setting, creative visualization, and how to have a more positive mindset.
  • Yoga for Special Groups: Learn introductory principles for yoga catered to special groups such as prenatal yoga, yoga for children, and senior chair yoga.
  • Living A Yoga Lifestyle: Explore ways to take your yoga practice off the mat and bring it into your personal life.

Recommended Reading List:

Your Body, Your Yoga by Bernie Clark

Yoga Sequencing by Mark Stephens

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swi Swami Satchidananda

Bhagavad Gita with Translation by Eknath Easwaran

Teaching Yoga: Techniques & Foundation by Mark Stephens

The Art and Business of Teaching Yoga by Amy Ippoliti & Taro Smith

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