200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training & Certification
The Leading Online Yoga Teacher Training
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Your Yoga Teacher Training Journey Starts Today
YogaRenew is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance. Students who enroll in our 200 hour yoga teacher training online are welcome to register with Yoga Alliance as a RYT-200.
Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum
YogaRenew’s 200-hour online yoga teacher training provides an opportunity to deeply enrich your practice and understanding of yoga. This comprehensive YTT certification will give you a strong foundation for yoga philosophy, business and practice through detailed videos, readings, workbooks, handouts, lectures and daily live calls. With our program, you can work through the curriculum at your own convenience. Live zoom calls are held daily to meet Yoga Alliance synchronous training standards as well.
Join our community of students from over 120 countries and see why we’re the highest rated yoga teacher training globally.
What You’ll Learn
History & Philosophy
- The Yoga Sutras
- 8 Limbs of Yoga
- Upanishads
- Bhagavad Gita
Yoga Anatomy
- The Spine
- Muscles & Nerves
- Skeletal & Connective Tissue
- Foot, Knee & Hips
- Breath & Bandhas
- Shoulders & Arms
- The Psoas
- The Bodily Systems
The Asanas
- 6 Principles of Alignment
- Detailed ‘How To’ for 50 Different Postures
- Adjustments & Modifications
- Teaching Cues
- Injury Considerations
- What to Look For When Teaching
- Detailed ‘How To'
- Classroom Guidance
- Benefits
- Modifications & Considerations
- Teaching Cues
- History
- Anatomy of Meditation
- Benefits
- Detailed ‘How To’
- Guiding Meditation
Yoga Business & Marketing
- Finding Teaching Opportunities
- Outreach
- Branding & Marketing
- Benefits
- Guidance & Considerations
Teaching Tips
- 11 Key Qualities of a Great Yoga Teacher
- Develop Your Voice
- Class Room Set-up
- Building Your Class Experience
Sequencing & Structure
- Creative Imagery
- Developing Your Sequence
- Safe Class Structure
- Building Class Themes
Beyond the Mat
- Qualities of a Great Yoga Teacher
- Overcoming Fears & Developing Confidence
- Discover Your Style
- Ethical Considerations
Chakra Therapy
- Energetic Associations
- Healing Affirmations
- Associated Postures
Different Styles of Yoga
- Hatha
- Yin Yoga
- Hot Yoga
- Kundalini
- Iyengar Yoga
- Restorative Yoga
- Vinyasa Yoga
- Ashtanga
Enroll Today & Get 12 Free Bonuses
Over $1,200 Value
50 Class Sequence Plans For You To Use Today ($150 value)
125 Creative Yoga Class Theme Ideas ($55 Value)
Weekly Newsletter Pose Guides, Sequence Ideas, Quotes, Teaching Tips, And More!
Yoga Asana Teaching Cue Flashcards for Every Pose ($50 Value)
Over 100 Hours of Supplemental Video Content ($400 Value)
Access to Weekly Inspirational and Fun Yoga Class Playlists
Two Yoga Resume Templates + A Sample Cover Letter ($250 Value)
Sample New Yoga Client Intake & Health History Form ($250 Value)
Sample Waiver of Liability for Teaching Yoga Classes ($250 value)
75 Weekly Class Themes To Inspire Your Practice Ebook ($50 Value)
Chakras & Your Life Energy Ebook ($50 Value)
Understanding Your Soul’s Purpose Ebook ($50 Value)

Sign up to review our syllabus, FREE yoga teacher training guide, and coupons + special offers!
Enroll Risk Free
Enroll in any of our programs risk free, and if you’d like to unenroll for any reason just let us know within the first 30 days and we’ll refund you in full. Gain access to all your yoga teacher training resources today.
Hear from our students
Become a Certified Yoga Teacher, Register as a RYT200
Join Our Active And Supportive Online Community Of Graduates And Students From All Over The World
YogaRenew’s 200 HR YTT is self-paced, but you’ll have resources with you every step of the way. Our team of yoga teachers are here to support you on your yoga teacher journey. Get access to our team of mentors, live daily zoom calls, and our active and supportive online community of students + graduates from all over the world!

Save $150 On Yoga Teacher Insurance
YogaRenew has partnered with BeYogi to provide our students incredible savings on insurance.
Through our partnership, students enrolled in YogaRenew’s 200 hour online yoga teacher training program pay only $50 for insurance in their first year and can access ongoing savings each year after!

Required Readings
- Teaching Yoga: Techniques & Foundation book by Mark Stephens
- The Art and Business of Teaching Yoga by Amy Ippoliti & Taro Smith
Become an RYT200 Certified Yoga Instructor Today!
YogaRenew’s 200 HR YTT is self-paced, but you’ll have resources with you every step of the way. Our team of yoga teachers are here to support you on your yoga teacher journey. You’ll get access to our team of yoga teacher mentors, and 30 live Zoom calls every week.
Join our active and supportive online yoga teacher training community of graduates and students from all over the world – sign up today!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I take this course even if I have no desire to teach?
What payment options are available?
Is this course good for beginners?
Will the certificate be accepted at any studio, gym, or corporate private fitness setting?
Will I receive a yoga teacher training certificate after completing this course?
When does the course start and finish?
Can I take this course if I have already completed another 200 Hour Yoga Training course?
Can I safely lead yoga classes after completing this program?
How long do I have access to the course?
Do you offer payment plans?
Where can I buy the required reading books for the course?
What course materials come with the program?
What if I am unhappy with the course?
Enroll risk free today.
If you'd like to unenroll for any reason, just let us know within 30 days and we'll refund you in full. No questions asked.
Enroll Today