As we enter a new ✨ era ✨ perhaps so does our yoga practice! Let’s craft a class for the new year ahead with the same, timeless YogaRenew framework we know and love…
Designate a Peak Pose
For our New Year’s Day yoga flow this year, we chose handstand and wheel ~ technically a double peak, but with supporting actions focusing on the arms and legs, we can weave together motions that complement one another. Here’s what we would include in our sequencing for a yoga class with handstand and wheel as the peak poses, we’ll break it down by section:
For this class, we’re focusing on shoulder mobility, and straightening the arms and legs. Here are some movements and postures you can include in puttering:
- Shoulder flossing
- Gomukhasana arms
- Crescent lunge
- High lunge
- Prasarita Padottanasana (wide legged forward fold)
- Thread the needle
- Child’s pose with hands elevated on blocks (shoulder opener)
Sun Salutations – Variations for Handstand + Wheel
You can teach either Surya Namaskar A or B. We typically stick to Surya A for vinyasa yoga classes and in this instance, we’ll focus on the straightening of the front leg and bending of back knee to spring forward to fold over the legs. You also have the option to include a twist here at any point, or add in crescent lunges or any motion you feel would further support the actions of the peak pose.
Standing Poses, Balance & Twists
For your open hip standing poses, warrior II is a classic. You could also incorporate poses like bound extended side angle (for the engagement of the shoulders), triangle, Prasarita, peaceful warrior, etc. Any poses you decide to piece together should have cues that signify and action needed for the peak pose. For example, in Prasarita Padottanasana, the two straight legs.
In the balance and twist section, it might be nice to include revolved triangle (two straight legs), revolved extended side angle, warrior 3 (basically handstand with one leg down), Parsvottanasana, devotional warrior, etc.
Peak Pose: Handstand + Wheel
Be sure to demo the peak pose and then guide them through it so they can first see what it looks like and have clear direction when getting into the poses. You could even offer the option to have them hop into handstand a couple of times from Parsvottanasana to get the feel for it so when it’s time to do the peak pose they feel a little warmed up.
Wind Down Section of Class
It is always wise to include a forward fold at the latter half of class… and don’t forget a twist to even things out! We recommend poses like:
- Baddha Konasana
- Tarasana
- Janu Sirsasana
- Paschmiottanasana
- Supine twists
- Supported bridge
- Happy baby
Give This New Year’s Yoga Flow a Try!
You can follow our sequencing skeleton from Kate and Patrick’s Vinyasa Sequencing Lab to plug and play your own poses for this class, but these are the basics if you want to teach a class with using handstand and wheel (urdhva danurasana) as your peak poses! Good luck & let us know how it goes.