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4 Tips for Staying Focused in Online Yoga Teacher Training

Online yoga teacher training student

Wondering how to stay ‘cool as a cucumber’ during your yoga certification? Follow these 4 simple steps:

1. Create a Schedule

Schedule a weekly time to login and work on the training; it can be once a week or multiple times a week, but it should be consistent and fit your schedule. Creating a regular appointment on your calendar for you to stick to will greatly help you commit to your learning.

2. Connect

Connect with other people in the course on social media or through daily Zoom sessions to help hold yourself accountable and find a means of support outside yourself.

3. Reward Yourself

Make sure you reward yourself along the way. Whether you’re completing specific sections or milestones within the course, it’s important to celebrate your successes.

4. Set a Goal

Goals are great for actually putting things into motion. Set a goal for your graduation date and try to keep yourself on track to hit that goal. If life gets in the way and you fall off the wagon at any point, give yourself some grace and be gentle with yourself. The important thing to remember is the course will always be there for you to come back to. Don’t let returning to the course be a hurdle; if you’ve missed a few weeks, try to come back and watch just one video.

You’re doing this for you
 make it worth it.