10 minute morning yoga flows don’t have to be elaborate. Most of the time, you can get a sufficient practice in by just moving through sun salutations (a or b). Here at YogaRenew, most of our classes are taught with Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A sequence) and the purpose is literally to “greet the sun” as you first rise in the morning.
However, if you’re looking for more of a flow style class — we’ve got you covered!
Here’s a quick and easy 10 minute morning yoga sequence that includes a downloadable PDF graphic that you can store for whenever you’d like to practice. Be sure to grab your mat and any props you may need — we recommend 2 yoga blocks and a blanket!
Morning Yoga Sequence:
- Start in a comfortable seated position (you can prop yourself up on your blanket if you have one) and take a few arriving breaths
- Make your way forward onto hands and knees
- Widen your knees the width of your mat, let your big toes touch, come to sit back into child’s pose
- Lift your head & come back to table top position
- Move through a couple rounds of cat/cow, syncing your breath with your movement
- Find downward facing dog
- Lift your right leg & step it through your hands
- Crescent lunge
- Step back for downward facing dog
- Inhale, come forward to plank, lower yourself all the way down to your mat as you exhale
- Inhale to peel your chest off the mat for cobra pose
- Downward facing dog
- Repeat on the other side
Standing + Balancing:
- From downward facing dog, lift your right leg & step it between your hands for warrior two
- Bring your front arm forward and bend at your elbow to rest your forearm on your front thigh & reach your left arm up overhead alongside your left ear for extended side angle
- Look back at your front foot, grab your block and place it in front of your right toes
- Bring your left hand to your hip & step your back foot in 2 footprints
- Start to bend your right knee, lean forward, standing into your front (right leg) and come forward with your right palm on the block for half moon pose
- Step back to a low lunge
- Downward facing dog, plank, cobra
- Downward facing dog
- Repeat on the other side (lifting your left leg & stepping between your hands)
Wind down:
- Lie down on your back, bend your knees and plant the soles of your feet on the mat
- Walk your heels in towards your seat
- Lengthen your arms down by your side & proceed to lift your pelvis off of the mat for bridge pose
- Lean onto your right shoulder to tuck your left shoulder under, then lean onto your left shoulder to tuck your right shoulder under
- Your hands can find an interlace underneath you
- Keep pressing your feet down and lifting your hips
- Unclasp your hands & lower back down to your mat
- Repeat 2 or 3 times
- Press down through your feet to lift your hips up and send them over to the left, letting your knees fall over to the right for a supine spinal twist
- You can cactus your arms and let your gaze fall over your left shoulder
- Repeat on the other side
- Happy baby
- For this sequence, we’ll take savasana in Viparita Karani, or legs up the wall
- Grab your blanket and fold in half twice so you have an oblong, folded blanket
- Place the blanket at the base of the wall
- Come to sit with either hip up against the wall
- Swing your legs up the wall (like a clock hand) until they are at a desired position
- T out your arms, close your eyes, and let your mind quiet
Quick & Easy Morning Yoga Flows
If you enjoyed this 10 minute morning yoga class, you’ll love our Morning Yoga Series on the YogaRenew app. We’ve created a bunch of classes that are morning-friendly and the perfect way to start any day refreshed & revitalized.
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